Identity Theft & Fraud

Protect Yourself from Fraud and Identity Theft


Here are a few tips on how to reduce your fraud and identity theft risk:

  • Don’t share your personal information unless necessary
  • Keep your phone and computers close and password-protected
  • Shred documents with financial or other private information before discarding
  • Monitor your financial accounts for signs of unusual or unauthorized activity
  • Be wary of emails, phone calls or texts seeking personal information. If in doubt of their authenticity, do not open, answer or respond
  • Practice good internet hygiene: use a secure internet connection, change passwords regularly, and keep your computer and browsers up-to-date
  • Remember that your bank will NEVER call, text, or email you to ask for your PIN, password, or other private information
  • If you think you have been a victim of fraud, contact us immediately at (866) 486-7782